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An aesthetically simple two-toned puzzle game that will challenge your brain to think in unconventional ways. These are not your average puzzles; You will need to think outside the box in order to find the solutions.These puzzles were designed to teach you how to play as you progress through the levels; If you find yourself stuck or confused about some mechanic of the game, its probably because youre over thinking it. That said, these puzzles become extremely challenging in the later stages of the game. Youve been warned.
--==Features==--+ 64 Levels+ New challenging elements as you progress through the levels+ A fully featured level editor used by myself to create the very levels featured in the game
While the game will work on any device, it was made with tablets in mind. For best user experience, use the largest screen you have available. For added challenge, use a small phone screen. :D
For those of you wishing to try before you buy, checkout the demo version here!